Heritage and Conservation

Heritage and the economy are intrinsically linked. For businesses up and down the Country, many of our local shops, hotels, offices, warehouses and industrial units are located within historic buildings. More broadly, Heritage is recognised as making an important contribution to economic prosperity and growth through jobs in the heritage and construction sectors and from tourism. The heritage sector produces a total GVA of £31 billion in England, providing over 464,000 jobs (Heritage and the Economy 2019, Historic England).

Growth Lancashire has a long history of providing a range of services for Local Authorities, commercial clients and other stakeholders, specialising in heritage and conservation.

“To protect the best of the past it is necessary to manage change, not try to prevent it” (Historic England). We have worked on a diverse range of projects and programmes, and our approach focusses on bringing forward practical solutions to maximise the potential of key heritage and regeneration assets.

We have built strong networks over a number of years with funding bodies, local authorities, government agencies and private sector partners. Further information regarding our services, including a selection of case studies, can be viewed below.
