
Case study: Pennine Lancashire Heritage Investment Strategy to 2020


Regenerate Pennine Lancashire (now Growth Lancashire) worked with Local Authority partners and Historic England to produce the Pennine Lancashire Heritage Investment Strategy (PL HIS), mapping key investment and funding opportunities against key heritage challenges – the “Priority Projects”.

This was a strategic document covering 5 Local Authority areas which aimed to

  • Showcase the historic distinctiveness of the area;
  • Highlight the value of heritage;
  • Identify future priorities;
  • Align funding and investment opportunities.

The mapping process identified that a third of the Priority Projects were situated along the Leeds-Liverpool Canal. This resulted in the development of the Pennine Lancashire “Signature Priority Project” to improve the Leeds-Liverpool Canal and the creation of the Leeds-Liverpool Canal Linear Park concept.

The PL HIS also culminated in the inclusion of the Pennine Lancashire “Heritage Compact” which signalled the Local Authorities commitment to addressing the challenges posed by the priority projects.

The PL HIS is now used as an example of best practice of Local Authority Partnership-working in Historic England’s publication “Managing Heritage Assets – A Guide for Local Government”, with the strategy demonstrating “a strong shared commitment to raising the profile of heritage matters and to working jointly through shared heritage services.”

Click here to view the Pennine Lancashire Heritage Investment Strategy 2015-20
