Calling all budding young entrepreneurs!

Regenerate Pennine Lancashire has launched a bursary fund for young entrepreneurs who have shown a real flair for business.

The Pennine Lancashire Youth Enterprise Fund is a financial bursary for young people aged 14-25 who can demonstrate outstanding enterprising behaviour.

It was established to ensure that young entrepreneurs could access help and support to flourish, learn and develop business skills or knowledge and continue or expand their enterprising work.

The Youth Fund was set up using prize money which Regenerate Pennine Lancashire secured after winning the North West title for Enterprising Britain in 2009.

Grants of either £1,000 or £2,000 are available, depending on age of the applicant who can live in either Blackburn with Darwen, Burnley, Hyndburn, Pendle and Rossendale.

Money is available for a number of items including training, qualifications, educational visits, equipment, research, business start up costs and specialist materials.

The grant fund is being managed by the Community Foundation for Lancashire on behalf of Regenerate Pennine Lancashire.

Young entrepreneur Kyle Craven, aged 17, designs websites and graphics part time via his Darwen based business, CR Web Designs. Kyle encourages others his age to think about starting up a business and look for available support:

“I didn’t want to get a job in a restaurant like most people my age. I wanted to think about the bigger picture. After I made a website for my dad, received some good feedback and it took off from there.”

“I’d really recommend anyone my age with an idea to do something with it. If you have your own business when you’re young, it gives you a good reputation and makes you feel good. There’s plenty of support available if you look for it. I’ve a business hub at Darwen Academy and I’m currently looking for a grant for photoshop software to develop my business further.”

Regenerate Managing Director Steve Hoyle said:

“We established the Youth Fund to help potential young entrepreneurs develop their ideas and to give them further encouragement. We hope access to the Fund will enable individuals to reach their full potential and have a positive impact on their local community”.

If you are a young person or a tutor currently working with an individual that you feel would be ideal for the youth fund and would like to nominate them, please contact Community Foundation for Lancashire website for an application form

Calling all budding young entrepreneurs!

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