As a result of the Coronavirus pandemic and the impact it is having on businesses, Boost; Lancashire’s Business Growth Hub, has refocussed all its efforts from growth support to business resilience support.
As a core partner of Boost, Growth Lancashire is a key part of this campaign, called #AskForHelp. Our message to anyone involved in running a business in these difficult times is: “you are not alone”. Ask for help.
Boost and its partners are at the heart of the Lancashire business support community and through our networks, we have access to hundreds of business support professionals. We don’t profess to have all the answers but between us we can help guide concerned owners/managers.
Within the Boost website, there is a dedicated hub with all the latest guidance from Government and the business support community. This can be found at:
There is also a dedicated helpline ready to assist businesses impacted by the coronavirus. If you’re looking for advice and guidance, please call the Boost team on 0800 488 0057.
You’re not alone. #AskForHelp