Disused pavilion being brought back to life

Plans to bring a disused building in a Green Flag park back to life are underway in Nelson – thanks to a new business start up programme.

The Victoria Park Pavilion, which has been closed for six years, is being transformed into a cafŽ and community hub.

Entrepreneurs Louise Hoole and Petra Wilson are turning the Pavilion into a social enterprise with a cafŽ and a kitchen garden where community groups can meet.

Their dream is being turned into a reality after they accessed free social enterprise coaching from the Pennine LEAP business start-up programme.

Pennine LEAP offers support to anyone wanting to start or grow a new business or social enterprise.

It is being delivered by Regenerate Pennine Lancashire and a network of enterprise partners including Selnet, Social Enterprise Lancashire Network.

The programme is financially supported by the European Regional Development Fund and provides social enterprise support to non-retail enterprises across Blackburn, Darwen, Hyndburn,Burnley, Pendle and Rossendale. The programme also provides finance support and the benefit of an experienced business mentor for up to two years.

The Pavilion will use green technology to create its own energy and be carbon neutral. In the garden, Louise and Petra hope to grow food to sell in the cafŽ or use only local producers.

Victoria Park Pavilion will offer unique volunteering opportunities through the creation of a Volunteer Skills Bank. By volunteering in different ways, people will be given the opportunity to undertake a variety of different activities.

Any profits the social enterprise makes will go back into running the Pavilion, community development projects in the local area and regular community events in the park.

They hope that the opening of the Pavilion will encourage more people to use the park, become more active and spend quality time with their families.

Louise and Petra have been given specialist coaching support from Selnet including expert advice on setting up a social enterprise, writing a business plan and identifying potential sources of funding.

They have also attended a series of free seminars on finance including cash flow and book-keeping.

The plans to develop the Pavilion have been approved by the Nelson Area Committee and Pendle Borough Council, who own the building.

Louise said: “Support was there for us right from the beginning of our journey. Pennine LEAP and the team at Selnet gave us the confidence that our idea could work and that we can run a successful social enterprise.

“Any questions and concerns are resolved no matter big or small they might be. Having their support through Pennine LEAP has been invaluable and most importantly of all they believe in us.”

She added, “It’s really important that we ask local people and visitors to the park what they would like to see at the Pavilion. Together we can re-open Victoria Park Pavilion”

If you would like to know more about the Pavilion or if you would like to get involved please emailtheteam@victoriaparkpavilion.org You can also call Louise on 01282 661724.

If you have an idea for a business call Regenerate Direct on 0800 612 2029 or visitgrowthlancs.wpengine.com/pennine-leap

Disused pavilion being brought back to life

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