Growth Lancashire publishes 2019-20 Business Plan

Following its recent endorsement by the Board, we are pleased to publish Growth Lancashire’s Business Plan for 2019-20.

The Business Plan is helpful in communicating our role and capabilities. Our vision is for Lancashire to maximise its potential, capitalising on its economic strengths and its built and natural environment. To achieve this, we must continue to be agile and diversify, adapting to meet the changing needs of our partners.

2019 marks our 15th year as a public-private partnership. Whilst it is appropriate to reflect on the company’s evolution and achievements over the years, we are excited about the future, and we look forward to delivering this year’s Plan. 2019 also marks the start of our new contract for Boost, Lancashire’s Business Growth Hub.

During the next period, our role will continue to be diverse, focusing on supporting businesses to grow, caring for and developing Lancashire’s heritage and cultural assets, securing and delivering external funding, and promoting Lancashire and encouraging investment.

We recognise however that a number of organisations also deliver against these priorities. Alongside our core values of being impartial, honest and hardworking, we are committed to ensuring that we are collaborative and continue to build effective relationships.

The Business Plan sets out our capabilities, along with several case studies – many of which are also profiled in further detail on the services section of our website. I am looking forward to having further dialogue in the coming months as the company continues with its mission to contribute towards growing productivity, prosperity and places across Lancashire.

Click here to download the 2019-2020 Business Plan

Matthew Sidgreaves

Head of Growth Lancashire Ltd.

Growth Lancashire publishes 2019-20 Business Plan

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