Regenerate Pennine Lancashire are urging business owners to ensure they are aware of laws regarding human resources, after the government published statistics about how much money was spent on workplace disputes in court between 2011 and 2012.
The Ministry of Justice said that an average amount of £9,133 was awarded for unfair dismissals, but their statistics showed some were much higher – with a maximum of £173,408 being awarded. A high profile employment tribunal has been in the public eye in recent weeks as Stella English, a past winner of the BBC’s The Apprentice, has made claims that she was unfairly dismissed by Lord Alan Sugar.
Regenerate Pennine Lancashire delivers free start up seminars for new business owners on human resources practises in partnership with Community and Business Partners, including how to avoid employment tribunals.
Rona McFall, Enterprise and Employment Manager at Regenerate, said:
“Employment tribunal costs can be high, but people thinking of running a business should not be put off. They just need to ensure that the right HR practises are in place. Staff will be more happy and productive as a result.”
“The HR seminars are free and cover many staff related issues. Contact Regenerate for more information.”
Top tips for new business owners recruiting staff
- Plan effective inductions; introduce new staff to key colleagues and procedures.
- Keep everything in writing; document meetings and retain and audit trail.
- Always issue contracts of employment.
- Set up regular appraisals to discuss and monitor performance and encourage staff to approach you if they have any problems.
- When someone leaves, follow correct procedures i.e. exit interviews, resignation letters.